35 activities for NI kids this Summer

Hello July! How is your Summer kicking off?We had the most glorious two weeks in Donegal. I ate, drank, worked out (a little!) and spent days on end with my three boys and husband. No flight to rush for or bags to pack suited to airport scales. A simple trip where you bung everything (including the dog!) into the boot of the car and off you go.Half of the beach at Narin came home in our car but we all left happy and refreshed.Find my print of Narin beach here on my online shop. Also the print of the two boys in the header can be found here.Now that I am back to work and the baby is back in day care I have the two big boys around my feet and had to get creative about where to put their bounding energy for a few days.I imagine some of you were prepared and booked ahead of time but sadly I am the mother who runs ragged on a Monday morning five minutes before the School bell scrapping money from the back of the sofa for dinner money. So there was no way I was going to be organised enough to get Summer activities in place before mid July!!A takeaway coffee has been in my hand every day already this Summer. It always feels like such a treat even though I know I have coffee and a coffee pot in my own home and could rustle up my own!! Find my print here, it comes in two sizes.When the sun shines my two are easy to entertain as they play football for hours out the back or we just head to David Lloyd's outdoor pool.Unfortunately, I am unable to mention every club in Northern Ireland so please feel free to tag your company or your faves in the comments below or on my social media with links to your site for my audience. Also have a look at Discover NI for day trips and also here and here to see what is going on in your area.Many of the activities I have listed are paid. I have listed some amazing parks and beaches worth visiting on your down days with the kids. Very little beats a day outdoors finished by an ice cream on a park bench looking at the sunset with kids.

You can buy my White rocks limited edition print in two sizes on my shop here.

I have chosen many paid options as I am more likely to stick them in my diary after I part with that cash!Some of the activties are tried and tested by my lads and all of the ones I have listed are renowned and official but please do look into them yourselves and seek out all the information you need to know to suit your brood.Have a fab Summer! I don't know about you, but these clubs are my saving grace as I juggle my work and the baby in tow.I also find that when my kids are occupied and engaged by other humans we often get better quality time as a family because they have socialised and interacted with peers in a fun and educational environment.BRAIN POWER

 See the football print and all other kids prints here on my online shop


Find the Enpointe limited edition print and all other kids prints on my online shop here


  • Vibe academy  - run by Lisa who I know and love for her dance skills but also her vision for young kids in the field of dance.
  • Jumping clay- modelling clay. My boys made an angry bird magnet once that still lives on our fridge. So fun!
  • Appa dance summer scheme. Gymnastics. For the flexible kids!
  • Bricks for kidz . They have a programme that runs in Belfast and Bangor for daily rate or a week. If your kids are lego lovers then go here 

  • Star camps - performance, confidence building, arts and crafts and more. I cried when I read the blurb on their site. Perfect for us parents who want to see our kids grow into their beautiful selves.

You can buy my Barry's A3 print here on my online shop


The limited edition (and very special) abstract elephant print can be found here on my shop

  • The Jet centre - if you are North coast for the week. Soft play as well as the bowling and other entertainment.

Other ideas for you without any research on my part but they came to mind when I brain stormed the blogpost :

  • Netball
  • Pony club
  • Hockey camp
  • Jewellery
  • Paint
  • Hair braiding
  • Nail art
  • Writers / poetry
  • Free festivals 
  • Open house festival kids
  • City hall Belfast activities
  • Sailing
  • Church bible summer schemes. My boys went to UCB beach mission in Narin beach every day we were at donegal. Sometimes twice a day. What a beautiful thing! No pushing of denominations, just games, singing and quizzes. We (the family and I ) head to Glasgow to do one of these summer camps in August. I can't wait for the mayhem!
  • Flower crowns
  • Cricket
  • Special needs activities and Summer schemes in the various school calendar.

Check out Northern Ireland National Trust website for their activities and special family events. Especially if you have a dog. We love their properties!

You can buy my Carrick a rede rope bridge print here.

Have so much fun and enjoy the best Northern Ireland has to offer families!

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